Case Study Of A Patient With Mild Cognitive Impairment

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Case Study Of A Patient With Mild Cognitive Impairment


Joseph is a 90-year old resident with mild cognitive impairment. He has always been a tall ,sturdy man with a height of 6 feet and weight of 220lbs .Joseph has recently had a surgery for hip replacement due to a fall and has just returned to the facility.He is feeling very tired and has not yet mobilized on his own .Lately he has been very unsteady on his feet .You are assigned to provide Joseph evening care to get him ready for bed .You enter his room to say hello and find him setting in his lazy boy watching television with is eye closed .You wake Joseph to say that you are there to help him get ready for bed .Joseph says he is too tired and weak to go to bed and just wants to sleep in his chair.He has never used a lifting device before.Using the problem -solving approach above, what are you going to do ? How will you approach convincing Joseph to get in to bed ? What will you do about the information that he has given you that he is tired and weak and has a history of falls just having recently returned from hip replacement surgery ? What fall preventing strategies would you report at the end of your shift ? Write what your specific report would look like ?

Expert Answer

This solution was written by a subject matter expert. It’s designed to help students like you learn core concepts Case Study Of A Patient With Mild Cognitive Impairment


Step 1/3
1. Problem-Solving Approach:
Assessment: Evaluate the scenario and learn about Joseph’s health history, present status, and previous experiences. Determine the issue: The issue is that Joseph is weak and exhausted and would prefer to sleep in his chair than go to bed. Create a strategy: Create a strategy to persuade Joseph to go to bed and protect him. Execute the plan: Implement the strategy and keep an eye on Joseph’s reaction. Analyse the results: Analyse the results and, if necessary, revise the plan.
2. Approach to convincing Joseph to get into bed:
Begin by recognising his emotions and worries. Describe the significance of going to bed for his protection and recovery. To guarantee his safety, offer to help him lift things with a gadget. Assure him that you will keep an eye on him all night to make sure he’s secure and comfortable. Offer to make a concession by letting him have a soft pillow and blanket in bed if he’s still unwilling to give in.
Step 2/3
3. Approach to Joseph’s tiredness, weakness, and fall history:
Make sure Joseph is receiving proper pain treatment. Review his prescriptions with the doctor and talk about any possible adverse effects. Implement fall prevention measures, such as offering a toilet at his bedside and making sure his room is clear of trip hazards. Encourage him to take part in mobility and rehabilitation exercises.
4. Fall-preventing strategies to report at the end of the shift:
The use of a toilet by the bed. Ensuring that there are no tripping dangers in his room. Keeping an eye on his mobility and offering help when required. Encouraging engagement in mobility and rehabilitation exercises.
Step 3/3
5. Specific report:
Joseph said he wanted to sleep in his chair during the evening shift. I offered to help him with the use of a lifting device and highlighted the significance of getting into bed for his protection and recovery. After some debate, he decided to go to bed. I checked on his medication regimen with the healthcare professional and made sure he had proper pain control. I put fall prevention measures into action by giving him a bedside toilet and making sure his room was clear of trip hazards. I also pushed him to take part in mobility and rehab exercises. Joseph was content at the end of the shift and had avoided any falls or near-falls.


Final answer
In this case, Joseph, a 90-year-old resident with minor cognitive impairment, is experiencing post-hip replacement fatigue and dizziness. As a healthcare professional, you evaluate the circumstances and create a strategy to persuade Joseph to get into bed and secure his safety. The strategy entails recognising his emotions, emphasising the value of getting into bed, providing help with a lifting device, making sure he is managing his pain appropriately, putting fall prevention methods into place, and encouraging rehabilitation and mobility activities. The fall-prevention techniques worked, Joseph was at ease, and he had avoided any falls or near-falls at the end of the shift Case Study Of A Patient With Mild Cognitive Impairment

TaggedCase Study Of A Patient With Mild Cognitive Impairment

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